National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) is a public service agency that is committed to providing cooperative solutions that assist government, education, and nonprofit entities that strive for efficient public service.

NJPA Exterior Building 059NJPA was created in 1978 by Minnesota Statue as one of Minnesota’s nine service cooperatives and offers a variety of cooperative programs and services for members on a local, statewide, and national scale, including Canada. On behalf of a locally elected Board of Directors and public employee staff, NJPA is committed to meeting and exceeding the expectations of our members.

NJPA is one of the leading cooperative purchasing agencies in the nation, with cooperative purchasing our flagship service. This solution maximizes efficiency for our members (membership is free), utilizing our large purchasing power to solicit competitive contracts for high quality equipment, goods, and services.

Over 50,000 NJPA member agencies have the option to avoid duplication of the competitive process by taking advantage of contracts competitively awarded by NJPA. The success of this flagship service allows NJPA to reinvest in the communities they serve, with customized programs and services.

Regionally, NJPA creates and sustains programming and partnerships as the leading provider of innovative and trusted solutions for education and government in Region 5 (Cass, Wadena, Todd, Crow Wing, and Morrison County).

NJPA TrainingNJPA partners with Region 5 schools to provide services in professional development through relevant trainings and consulting services for administrators, teachers, and staff. Training and consulting/coaching sessions include such topics as:

  • Systems planning
  • Leadership
  • Instructional & peer coaching
  • Professional learning communities
  • Curriculum
  • Data
  • Assessment
  • Effective instruction and intervention
  • Technology

NJPA places a priority on providing high quality support to our schools, by listening to schools’ needs, analyzing Region 5 school data, and staying knowledgeable about national research trends in highly effective practices. To find out more, visit

**Editorial content provided by associate member.