Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 COVID-19Student Opportunity Gaps一 Featured一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 13, 2020 Schools to Remain Open For Now, Actively Plan for COVID The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is recommending the state's public PreK-12 schools remain open…Read More
Diane Vosen 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps March 8, 2020 Submissions Open for National Rural Essay Contest The National Rural Education Association (NREA) Foundation has opened submissions for its annual Essay Contest…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 COVID-19一 Featured March 6, 2020 Minnesota Schools Receive Guidance on Handling Coronavirus Just hours before the Minnesota Department of Health (MDE) confirmed the first coronavirus COVID-19 case…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Other Rural News March 6, 2020 Concurrent Enrollment Requires Teacher Credentialing Minnesota’s 46 percent five-year growth in students enrolled in Concurrent Enrollment will depend on teachers’…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Achievement & AssessmentStudent Opportunity Gaps一 Featured一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 6, 2020 Lawmakers Focus Day on Achievement Gap Education Committees in both the House and Senate focused on Minnesota achievement gaps on Friday…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps一 Maps on Issues March 6, 2020 State Releases Report, Action Steps on Compensatory Revenue A new report on Compensatory Revenue from the Office of Legislative Auditor provided a series…Read More