As we approach January 1, 2025, nine individuals from MREA member organizations are stepping up to run and fill vacant seats on MREA’s Board of Directors. Three of MREA’s membership zones have vacancies for the new year and have been sent voting information.

Here are the candidates ready to represent their zones:

Vacancies and Candidates

North Central Zone (1 open seat)

At-Large | 4-Year Term | 2025-2028

South Central Zone (2 open seats)

Administrator | 4-Year Term | 2025-2028

School Board | 2-Year Term | 2025-2026

South Zone (1 open seat)

School Board | 4-Year Term | 2025-2028

These candidates will be introduced at MREA’s 2024 Annual Member Meeting on December 10. Register here for the meeting.

Who Votes? If your district or organization will have an opening in your zone for January 1, voting instructions were mailed and emailed to your main office:

  • Each ISD stakeholder group (Administrators, School Board, Teachers) casts one vote per open seat, totaling three votes per seat.
  • Qualifying Associate members receive one vote per open seat.

Make sure your organization casts its vote/s online by 11:45 pm on December 31 to ensure your voice is heard.