Only 25 of the 83 individuals (30 percent) to apply for Minnesota’s new Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board as July 9 come from Greater Minnesota. Appointments are expected to be made in July or early August so the board can begin working unofficially by Oct. 1. Greater Minnesota is most underrepresented in the categories of public members who can be school board members: only 5 of 19 applicants; and teachers: only 6 of 39 applicants. Teachers can apply for subcategories of special education, related services and teacher preparation programs. One teacher will be appointed in the subcategory of teacher outside of the seven county metropolitan area. The other categories can come from any region in the state. It is important to have Greater Minnesota teachers applicants in all these categories. This is a key opportunity to affect the direction of the new Tiered Licensing system in Minnesota and be the voice of Greater Minnesota Education. Find the category of positions on the board that match you below and apply today. Find the category of positions on the board that match you below to apply: Find the specific category of teachers that fit you.