As I write this, my final article for MREA, I can’t help but reflect on my four years as Executive Director with a smile.  I have felt so fortunate to lead such a great organization with a mission that I firmly believe in – to be the voice of greater Minnesota education.   

First, I want to thank our members who trusted me to lead MREA. One of my goals was to personalize the member experience by getting out and visiting members in their own district. I was fortunate to visit 234 MREA member districts. Thanks to these visits, I have a unique understanding of what rural education looks like in Minnesota, having developed relationships and gained insights into rural education on each of my visits.  I always found it interesting how people got to the positions they were in and what their passions were.  Inevitably, we would start talking about what was going well and what struggles they were having within their districts.  Overall, educational leaders are proud of what they have accomplished in their district and were excited to tell me about and show me the great things they have in their district.  I only wish the public could see what I saw, which is that rural education is strong and does exceptional things for students. We have great leadership from administrators to teachers to school board members who truly have the student’s best interest in mind. We all need to show off the good things happening in rural districts. 

I was naive, politically, coming into the job with what happened behind the scenes at the legislature to pass a bill.  Sam Walseth was a great mentor to me on understanding strategy and nuances of passing bills.  He is vital to MREA’s successes at the Capitol.  After working through four legislative sessions my personal thoughts are that legislators of all political stripes need to collaborate in good faith to create meaningful and well thought out bills that should pass into law.  

Rural education, being primarily represented by Republicans, is at a legislative disadvantage as the DFL trifecta governs Minnesota. It is not that the metro democratic legislators are trying to specifically leave us out, it is that they have a duty to their constituents to show they are listening to them and pass legislation that benefits their constituents.  We also saw in a Democrat majority many policies that passed that took local control away.  On the bright side there was money that was put towards education.  When the Republicans are in majority, we see a lot less policy that takes away local control, but not as much money put towards public education.  I highlighted the word public because Republicans have a strong passion to have choice in education and some form of vouchers or education tax credits inevitably becomes a hot button issue when the Republicans are in the majority.  MREA is non-partisan and works well with both sides of the isle. Sam likes to say, “we work with who the voters send to St. Paul.”   

Rural education has more in common with metro education than most people think. We all want to do what is best for our students. When I reflect on what the big differences are with educational funding, there are two major issues that need to be addressed. First, rural education’s reliance on Operating Referendums to help offset the underfunding of public education. Some districts can pass them more easily than other districts. Ninety-two of our districts do not have an Operating Referendum, which causes big inequities across the state.  The second issue is how districts can maintain and build schools. Some districts in the metro can levy to maintain their buildings while the rest need to go out to the public.  They also have an easier time because of their tax base to pass bonds. MREA has been a force trying to eliminate these inequities. 

Working together with the other education organizations like MASA, MSBA, SEE, AMSD, MASSP, MESPA and other educational organizations, was a focus of mine and I believe we gain strength when we work together to make change at the Capitol. I have great confidence in the leaders of these organizations and developed a close camaraderie with each organizational leader.  I believe our members saw and appreciated how well we work together and complemented each other to make positive change in education. 

MREA gains strength through members.  The main reason that legislators listen to MREA is that we represent 237 districts – most of rural Minnesota. Without our membership throughout the state, we would not have a strong voice specific to rural Minnesota.  Things like Ag2school, LOR, Small Schools Revenue, LTFM and other rural specific revenue streams would not happen without MREA’s advocacy. With this in mind, I encourage you to please renew your membership via the renewal letter that has been sent out. There are rural districts who do not have a membership in MREA who I believe should. Members of MREA are our greatest advocates for getting these districts to be members. Please reach out and educate these non-member districts on the importance of MREA to them. Our associate members (businesses) believe in what we do and show support financially.  These businesses are a big reason why MREA is so strong financially.  Please support them as they support us.  

We have a strong board at MREA made up of teachers, principals, superintendents, school board members, university personnel, and cooperative directors from throughout the state that guide the organization.  I appreciate the work, time and dedication they put in to making MREA better.   

I’d also like to extend my gratitude to our awesome team at MREA. Diane Vosen in our St. Cloud office is incredible at running everything behind the scenes. She is the heart and drive behind MREA. Our Assistant Julie Melville does a great job in supporting Diane in the office. I had the privilege of helping to hire our Communications Director Kayla SchoenbergAlmost all our communications from MREA go through her. She was also instrumental in helping MREA upgrade our Associate Member model and communications as well as the Greater Education Summit brand and websiteSam Walseth, who I mentioned above is a rock star when it comes to advocacy.  I wanted to publicly thank them for making my job easy by being so competent at what they do.

I’m confident I am leaving MREA in a strong position to succeed well into the future. The board at MREA hired a great replacement for me in Darrin Strosahl. I have no doubt he will continue to take MREA on a path to new heights.   

Being the Executive Director of MREA was more of a passion than a real job for me. I truly enjoyed the relationships I built with so many of you and am in awe of what you do. I hope I represented you well. 

After the end of June, I will be taking on a new job of full-time husband, dad, grandfather, hunter, fisherman, golfer, and traveler.  Although being MREA’s Executive Director is the best job I have had so far in my career, I think I may like this new job even better. 

I wish you all well and hope you relax this summer and spend time with your family and friends. 



Bob Indihar 

Words of Gratitude from MREA Board of Directors & Team

Thank you for the time and energy you have devoted to the Minnesota Rural Education Association. A steady hand was needed as we navigated some of the most turbulent times in public education, and you have provided that. I appreciate the personal communications you made a priority throughout your tenure and our organization is as strong as ever under your leadership. Congratulations on retirement and enjoy your much-deserved time off!

Matt Schultz, Superintendent
Lanesboro Public Schools
MREA Board


Bob has a natural way of building long-lasting relationships.  He is down to earth, humble, approachable and trustworthy.  Those qualities have served MREA very well while under his leadership.

Jeff Drake, Superintendent
Fergus Falls Public Schools
MREA Board


Thanks, Bob, for your dedication to MREA and rural public education! Your efforts to visit so many individual districts is admirable and exemplifies the importance of individuals coming together to form a community. Enjoy your next road trip!

Darrin Strosahl, Incoming Executive Director


Congratulations Bob on your retirement. Thank you for your heartfelt commitment to rural education and advocacy on behalf of MREA. You have helped define our role and mission, expanded our membership and business partnership, and lasting influence of your leadership will remain with us. Best of luck in your retirement!!

Jeffrey Lund, Superintendent
Marshall County Central Schools
MREA Board


Thank You Bob for your excellent leadership. Even though I have only been on the board a couple of years I have always felt very comfortable and at home.  You made my first year easy with your smile and greetings. A great quality to have for us newbies.

Congratulations and wishes for a happy healthy retirement!

Judy Moeller, School Board Member
Parkers Prairie
MREA Board


Thank you, Bob, for your exceptional leadership and dedication as the Executive Director of MREA over the past four years. Your commitment and vision have greatly contributed to the organization’s success and growth. We are grateful for your tireless efforts and wish you all the best in your retirement.

Mark Schmitz, Executive Director/CEO
Resource Training and Solutions
MREA Board


It has been great working with Bob the last three and a half years. He has always been calm, cool, and collected when he presents. He really worked hard to not only increase MREA business sponsorships but also the personal relationships with those companies.  Best wishes to you and your family!

Jake Thompson, School Board Member
Plainview-Elgin-Millville Schools
MREA Board


As part of the Executive Committee, I got to work closely with Bob.  I really appreciated his easy going personality and his perspective on the various issues that MREA has had to deal with.  Even though he was with MREA for only a short time, he has left his mark on the organization and positioned us very well for the future.

Jim Ferden, School Board Chairman
Win-E-Mac Schools
MREA Board


Bob, it’s been an incredible pleasure working with you the last few years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to travel the state with you and make an impact for MREA. You’ve been a light and a leader during turbulent times in public education, and your unwavering commitment to highlighting the good was appreciated. I have no doubt you’ll love this next stage in life.

Kayla Schoenberg
MREA Communications Director


Bob prioritized strengthening connections with MREA members and made sure he traveled to Minnesota’s 4 corners, from Caledonia and Hills-Beaver Creek to Kittson Central and Cook County, and everywhere in between. He crisscrossed more than 25,000 miles around the state to learn about our members and talk with legislators in St. Paul. This commitment is huge and underscores MREA’s mission to be the voice for Greater Minnesota education.

Diane Vosen
MREA Operations Director


I would like to thank Bob for his leadership in moving MREA and education in greater Minnesota forward.  His vision has set up our organization to continue to be the voice of rural education and has strengthened our position of advancing educational initiatives in our state.  Thank you, Bob!

Lance Bagstad, Superintendent
Park Rapids Public Schools
MREA Board


Bob, it’s been an incredible pleasure working with you these last four years. Your work at the Capitol was greatly appreciated, and your leadership on the MREA team and Board was invaluable. I have no doubt you’ll enjoy your next stage in life as you and Deb travel, enjoy time with kids and grandkids, and hike your way through Minnesota and beyond. Thank you for your work in Greater Minnesota education.

Sam Walseth
MREA Advocacy Director


Thank you, Bob, for your dedication to MREA these past four years. You always had rural educational interests in mind, and your efforts are appreciated.

Boyd L. Bradbury, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Leadership and Learning and Professor of Educational Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction
Minnesota State University Moorhead
MREA Board


Bob, your dedication to the improvement of education for all students, teachers, administrators, and families in Greater Minnesota is unmatched.  Your work has touched so many lives and truly left an imprint on rural districts across the state.  We are all grateful for the rich legacy you have bestowed on education, ensuring rural education’s voice is not only heard, but respected.

Dr. Danielle Schock, Assistant Professor  |  Early Childhood and Elementary Education Department
Winona State University
MREA Board


I want to extend my deepest gratitude to Bob, our outgoing Executive Director, for his exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to education in greater Minnesota. Under Bob’s guidance, MREA has flourished, significantly enhancing learning opportunities and outcomes for our students. His vision and dedication have left an indelible mark on our communities, inspiring growth and innovation. While all of us will miss his remarkable leadership, I am profoundly thankful for his contributions and the lasting legacy he leaves behind. I wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Michelle Rinke Koch, High School Principal
Menahga Public Schools
MREA Board President


From every corner of the state, you were (and will always be) a champion for rural education in Minnesota.  You represented all stakeholders of rural education with passion, grace, and your undeniable charm.  Thank you for being part of my own rural story as the 2023 National Rural Teacher of the Year. Blessings to you as you transition to your next exciting season of life.

Jenny Maras, Teacher
Morris Area Public Schools
MREA Board


Thank you for your hard work and dedication to MREA.  You definitely helped move this organization forward. I appreciated your positive attitude, ready smile, and your ability to make everyone you visit with feel valued and worth listening to. Thanks and enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

Sarah Bauck, Teacher
Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Public Schools
MREA Board


Bob – It’s been great working with you.  The very best to you in your new adventure!

Julie Melville
MREA Office Assistant