The US Dept of Education announced the delay of the upcoming webinars for the fiscal year FY2025 Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) grant awards, initially scheduled for March 13 and April 3. These webinars will now be rescheduled to a later date. 

The Department now anticipates launching the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) application process in early April 2025. More information regarding the rescheduled webinars and the application process will be shared as it becomes available. 

All small, rural school districts are encouraged to review the preliminary REAP Master Eligibility Spreadsheet for FY2025, which can be found on This information will determine eligibility for both the SRSA and Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) grant awards. If any discrepancies are found in your school’s information, you should immediately contact our REAP State Coordinator, Robert Hitchcock, to work with the Department to update the spreadsheet as necessary. It’s especially important to review and, if necessary, update the Primary and Secondary LEA contacts listed for your school. If updates are required, you may email with the necessary changes. 

For any questions or further information about the FY2025 SRSA application process, please don’t hesitate to contact the REAP Team at