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Quality Teachers
May 6, 2016

Who’s an Educator of Excellence in Greater Minnesota?

Great educators do more than lead a classroom. They practice, innovate, and collaborate. MREA announced today…
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Early Learning
May 6, 2016

Voluntary PreK Funding: Calculate Program Impact

Voluntary PreKindergarten Funding is a top priority in education funding for Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton…
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Other Rural News
May 6, 2016

Minnesota Conferees Names for Supplemental Budget Process

The House and Senate named members to serve on the supplemental budget conference committee. The…
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Broadband Access
May 1, 2016

House, Senate Provide Broadband Funding, Approaches Differ

The House and Senate both approved broadband funding last week in their omnibus bill packages. As…
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Other Rural News
April 23, 2016

Policy Concerns as End of Session Draws Near

The House and Senate are each bringing forth new education policy proposals, several of which…
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