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Other Rural News
January 11, 2013

Sen. Franken Convenes Meetings School Safety and BWCA Land Swap

Senator Al Franken held meetings on school safety and the BWCA land swap issue this…
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Other Rural News
January 10, 2013

StudentsFirst Gives Minnesota a "D"

StudentsFirst, a national ‘education reform’ organization founded by Michelle Rhee, formerly Superintendent of Washington DC…
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Other Rural News
January 6, 2013

NEW REPORT: Is rural Minnesota losing policy-making clout?

A new report from the Center for Rural Policy and Development argues that rural Minnesota…
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Other Rural News
December 29, 2012

Rural Referenda Results

From the MSBA Boardcaster 12-28-2012: Referenda roundup: Hancock, Hills-Beaver Creek pass; three other districts come…
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December 15, 2012

Final Assessment & Accountability Report Released

The Assessment and Accountability Work Group, formed by the Minnesota Department of Education, released its…
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Other Rural News
December 14, 2012

Our Hearts Stopped for Connecticut

Our hearts stopped on Friday with the senseless killing of innocent children in Connecticut. We immediately…
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Other Rural News
December 11, 2012

Gifted and Talented Annual Conference

The Minnesota Educators of Gifted and Talented will hold its annual conference,  "Integrating Differentiation Across…
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Other Rural News
December 11, 2012

Fiscal Cliff Toolkit Released

AASA released a new report entitled Federal Public Education Revenues and the Sequester. In conjunction…
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