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Achievement & Assessment
December 3, 2012

U.S. Grad Rate Report Highlights Minnesota Achievement Gaps

A U.S. Department of Education report of four-year cohort graduation rates released in November shows a discouraging…
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Quality Teachers
December 1, 2012

Teacher Evaluation Recommendations Expected Dec. 13

The Teacher Evaluation Task Force has created an extensive default model that reflects current statutes…
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Achievement & Assessment
November 30, 2012

MREA Brings Together Districts with American Indian Students

At the annual conference in November, MREA brought together representatives of 10 school districts that…
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Other Rural News
November 19, 2012

New Political Map – Why the DFL Takeover?

November’s election brought significant changes for the state legislature that will convene on Jan. 8. …
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November 13, 2012

Aune Shares Where Standards Come From

Academic standards have become prevalent and detailed in Minnesota's public schools. So, where do standards…
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Other Rural News
November 12, 2012

Distinguished Educator Katie Morrow Speaks at MREA Conference

Katie Morrow, a distinguished educator and technology integrationist, spoke today at the MREA Conference on…
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