
Other Rural News

Other Rural News
February 2, 2013

Legislative Forum Proves Effective

Every February, MASA Region 1 holds one of the most effective legislative forums in Minnesota. School…
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Other Rural News
February 1, 2013

Mental Health in Schools Bill Introduced

U.S. Sen. Al Franken introduced the Mental Health in Schools Act to ensure that schools provide access to critical mental…
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Other Rural News
January 31, 2013

Participate in Digital Learning Day on Feb. 6

School districts from at least 49 states and the District Columbia will participate in Digital…
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Other Rural News
January 27, 2013

This Week: Budget Moves Forward, MREA Presents

The next week at the legislature will bring more attention to governor's budget and education…
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Other Rural News
January 20, 2013

Governor Budget Plan Unveiled Tuesday

The legislature will reconvene on Tuesday and receive Governor Dayton’s much anticipated budget plans for…
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Other Rural News
January 18, 2013

President Announces Gun Violence Prevention Plan

President Obama announced his plans to reduce gun violence and protect children. In the president’s…
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