Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Quality TeachersStudent Opportunity Gaps一 HP Quality Teachers April 21, 2018 New PELSB Makes Major Moves Minnesota's new PELSB took major actions on Friday during a nine-hour meeting, including moving forward…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps April 20, 2018 Lawmakers Modify Proposed School Mandates The House Omnibus Education Bill HF 4328 passed out of the Education Finance and Tax…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Achievement & AssessmentStudent Opportunity Gaps一 Featured一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 24, 2018 Minnesota Proposes New 5-Star Rating System for Schools Whether Minnesota rates every school with 1-5 stars or provides a multiple measures online dashboard for…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Capitol NewsCareer and College ReadinessEarly LearningFacility FalloutFederalFunding Student NeedsQuality TeachersStudent Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 23, 2018 Federal Budget Signed into Law, Shutdown Averted After tweeting a veto threat, President Donald Trump Friday afternoon signed the $1.3 trillion spending…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Early LearningFacility FalloutQuality TeachersStudent Opportunity Gaps一 HP Quality Teachers March 23, 2018 Long List of New Mandates Proposed for Minnesota Schools Legislators constantly have issues brought to them to assess and address. In many cases, that…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 Featured一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 11, 2018 School Safety Proposals for Minnesota Unveiled The number one topic of the week at the Capitol by far was school safety.…Read More
Diane Vosen 0 0 AccountabilityAchievement & AssessmentStudent Opportunity Gaps March 9, 2018 MDE Hosting Superintendent ESSA Meetings Superintendents are invited to join Minnesota Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius and MDE staff in April…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 9, 2018 Character Development and Classroom Speech Discussed in Senate Committees Conversations around character development and classroom speech began in Senate Committees last week. Testifiers shared…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 5, 2018 Mental Health Grants Available for Minnesota Schools The PrairieCare Child & Family Fund is now accepting proposals for funding to support mental…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Quality TeachersStudent Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps March 2, 2018 Legislative Issues of the Week: Teacher Pensions, Special Education, Gun Control With this being a shorter legislative session, elevators, hallways, hearing rooms, and cafeterias at the…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps February 28, 2018 How Medicaid Cuts Impact Students The results of a recent survey of over 1,000 school leaders in 46 states provide…Read More
Dawn Zimmerman 0 0 Student Opportunity Gaps一 HP Student Opportunity Gaps February 27, 2018 Minnesota’s Graduation Rate Hits New High Minnesota’s overall high school graduation rate continues to trend upward, with the class of 2017…Read More