A much higher number of schools will be identified for support in the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) plan than in the waiver.

The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) estimates about 500 schools will be identified for either direct support or support to districts to provide support to the school site, according to Greg Keith, MDE Academic Officer.

MREA has compiled a one-page table summarizing the categories of school support and types of schools projected to be identified for the support. View the table.

These 500 schools represent one-quarter of the 2,051 schools in Minnesota. “This will be quite a change for our model,” Keith said. “It changes on how RCE’s (Regional Centers of Excellence) will be working with schools.”

Keith described how there will be an increased use of needs assessment process, including looking at inequities in financial resources and teacher talent. MDE will produce a non-exhaustive list of evidenced practices from which schools can choose from but don’t have to.

School identification and support will be on a three-year planning cycle with a planning/exploration year and two implementation years that align with WBWF (World’s Best Workforce).

The public comment period for the state ESSA plan ends Aug. 31. Learn more about the process.