
Compensatory Revenue Governor’s Proposal 2025

What does Compensatory Revenue look like under the Governor’s January 2025 proposal? How much would each school district receive in Compensatory Revenue?


Compensatory Revenue Current Law (Direct Cert) 2025

What does Compensatory Revenue look like under the current law with direct certification? How much will each school district receive in Compensatory Revenue?

Ag2School Total Bond Credit

70% Ag2School Total Bond Credit Pay 2024

With the 70% percent credit for Ag2School, what does funding look like for Minnesota districts?


Referendum Market Value by District

Patterns in Referendum Market Value by Residential Pupil Units as a measure of Minnesota school district property wealth in 2025.


Operating Revenue by School District per APU

How has school operating revenue changed statewide? What’s the impact per Adjusted Pupil Unit?


ESSER Fund Allocation by School District

How much did each school district receive in ESSER funds? What is the per pupil amount? What can districts spend their funds on? How is the amount determined?

Operating Revenue by School District

How has school operating revenue changed statewide? What’s the impact of Local Optional Revenue and Board Authorized Referendum Revenue?

Referendum Market Value 2021

Referendum Market Value by District

Patterns in Referendum Market Value by Residential Pupil Units as a measure of Minnesota school district property wealth in 2021.

Household Income by District

There’s a wide rural-metro divide with the state’s wealthiest district’s median income more than five times the amount of the poorest district.

Free and Reduced Lunch by District

Family income and child poverty in Minnesota’s school districts by means of free and reduced lunch meals. Fifteen Greater Minnesota school districts have FRE percentages of 67 percent or more.

Adjusted Net Tax Capacity by District

Patterns in ANTC/APU as a measure of Minnesota school district property wealth in 2017.

All Map-Based Articles