The Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State recently announced new vacancies for state boards, councils and committees. Citizens in Greater Minnesota are encouraged to apply and serve. Application forms are available online and must be submitted by October 24.
- Special Education Advisory Panel
- School Personnel (1 Seat)
- Powers and Duties: The state is required to establish and maintain an advisory panel for the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to special education and related services for children with disabilities in the state.
- Restrictions to Membership: SEAP is a federally mandated advisory group providing policy guidance with respect to special education and related services for children with disabilities in Minnesota. SEAP membership shall be representative of the state population and composed of individuals involved in or concerned with the education of children with disabilities. Applicants should be knowledgeable on issues, laws and policies pertaining to students with disabilities and their families.
- Board of Teaching
- Administrator (1 Seat)
- Classroom Teacher (3 Seats)
- Public Member (School Board) (1 Seat)
- Powers and Duties: The board establishes rules governing the education, licensing and relicensing of teachers.
- Restrictions to Membership: The board consists of 11 members including six classroom teachers and one school administrator who must be fully licensed for the position he or she holds and have at least five years teaching experience in Minnesota; one higher education representative who must be a faculty member preparing teachers; and three members of the public, two of whom must be present or former members of school boards. No member may be reappointed for more than one additional term.
- Meeting Information: Monthly meetings are held on the second Friday of each month.
- Meeting Location: 1500 West Highway 36, Roseville.
The full list of vacancies can be found online.
Applicants should include the following documents:
• Open Appointments Application Form (completed, signed and dated)
• Letter of Interest
• Resume or Biography