Thank You for Registering

Take the Next Step to Complete the Process

Now it’s time to invite employees and school board members to sign up so they also get access to this virtual event. There is no additional fee, but they will have to register by November 6 with their email address.


Use this sample message to invite all of your team members:

Hi <Name>,

Our organization has registered for the 2020 Annual Conference: Rural Proud, sponsored by Minnesota Rural Education Association. The conference is hosted entirely online this year, so all our employees and school board members can attend virtually. There will be livestreams and on-demand content on relevant topics.

I hope you will take advantage of this quality professional development. All you have to do is register by November 6 to receive the conference link and logon information to access the content and experience. With inspiring keynote speakers, on-demand breakout sessions, a best practices exhibit hall, and an awards ceremony to honor our Greater Minnesota educators, MREA is providing an exceptional virtual conference opportunity.

Sign up for access here: Individual Attendee Registration

The conference runs November 15-19 with breakout sessions available on-demand for an additional 2 weeks after that. The conference logon link will be emailed in November to each individual who registers.

