Paul Brinkman | Northeast Service Cooperative
Experience with Current School/District: Executive Director of Northeast Service Cooperative since 1999
Experience in Education Sector:
- Co-founder, MSC Online, a statewide distance learning initiative for students and school districts
- Board of Directors (Past President), Minnesota School Boards Association
- Board of Directors (Past President), Minnesota Service Cooperatives and Northeast Service Cooperative
- Board of Directors (Past President), Virginia Public Schools
- Board of Directors, Minnesota Community College System
Experience in Rural Sector:
- Executive Chair/CEO, Minnesota Healthcare Consortium, a Minnesota JPA
- Co-Founder/CEO, Minnesota Telecommunications (Northeast and East Central Minnesota)
- Co-Founder/Past Chair, VEBA Benefits Trust, Minnesota Service Cooperatives Health Coalition
- Co-founder, Northeast NET, a regional technology collaboration wide area network
- Co-Founder/Executive Director, Virginia Regional Medical Center Foundation
Other Relevant Experience: I have served on many boards in my decades of service, including a regional task force for physician recruitment, the Board of Commissioners for Virginia Regional Medical Center, YMCA, and Partners with Youth. I also cultivated a regionally recognized wellness education delivery model and received national recognition for technology innovation by the Association of Educational Service Agencies and the National Association of Development Organizations.
What Excites You About MREA’s Work? These are opportune times for MREA with a new executive director who has the backing of a talented, experienced team. This renewal of MREA creates room and “lift” to build on its reputation as the leading actor for rural education in Minnesota.
Challenges for MREA in the Next 4 Years:
- Rural equity (quality and funding)
- Healthy work environments
- Teacher recruitment and retention
- Student achievement
- Common ground with urban and suburban schools
Opportunities for MREA in the Next 4 Years:
- Continue to build upon the brand of MREA
- Focus on goals where MREA has leverage
- Expand the value proposition for rural working and living
- Continue to seek common ground with urban and suburban schools
Expertise and Skills to Strengthen MREA’s Mission:
- Collaboration
- Interagency Coalitions
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Marketing