MREA is the only advocate exclusively for Greater Minnesota school districts.


Under the leadership of school board members, administrators, teachers and community members, MREA focuses on what puts first the education, growth and development of learners to bring about our best possible future.

Advocacy Accomplishments

We know that schools are stronger when they come together. We’ve seen the results.

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Building for 2025 and Resolving Issues From 2023

In 2024

MREA Successfully Advocated for Greater Minnesota Students Through:

  • READ Act Improvements
    • $40/pupil for District costs related to Reading to Ensure Academic Development (READ) Act
    • $36/pupil for Teacher Stipends for READ Act training and extended deadline
    • Cooperative educational programs included in READ Act funding
  • Other Policy Improvements from 2023 Session
    • District budget reserve established for Student Support Personnel Aid
    • Expanded Medical Assistance (MA) billing for School Social Workers
    • 5,200 additional Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) slots
    • Cooperatives included in Alternative Learning Center (ALC) Transportation Aid
  • Addressing Staffing Needs
    • Student Teacher Stipend pilot program funded at $6.5M
    • Para Flexibility for federal highly qualified requirements to be met next school year
  • Special Education
    • Expanding special education pipeline grant program to Tier 1 and Tier 2 teachers
  • Addressing Student Issues
    • Absenteeism – Student Attendance Pilot project sites funded at $4.7M
  • Elections Bill
    • School Board Vacancy flexibility when less than 2 years remaining in term