The Senate’s Omnibus E-12 bill (SF 7 DE1) differs significantly from that of the House’s bill (HF 2400 1st Engrossment) in both amount of funds allocated to education and in policy. The funding difference of $207 million to the House’s $900 million is only part of the story. There will be much education-related negotiations required to get to the finish line. View Summary of Key Issues
The Senate first heard the Omnibus E-12 bill on Tuesday and will vote on amendments today. The House passed its E-12 bill out of committee last week and released the funding impacts by districts (available below). The House bill allocates education funding similarly to the governor’s plan and includes many new policies and mandates.
Formal negotiations will need to wait for the leadership negotiations among Gov. Tim Walz, House Speaker Melissa Hortman, and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka to resolve tax targets, the gas tax, overall spending targets and major policy issues. Learn more
View detailed Senate tracking sheet
Senate Plan
Funding: $207 million
- ½% and ½% on the formula. $6,343 in FY ’20 and $6,375 in FY ‘21
- $38 per pupil increase in safe schools aid for FY ’20 and ’21 only
- $0 increase in SPED funding above forecasted amounts
Some of the mandates that tighten up local control (fewer than the House) include:
- Military recruiters are to be given same access to students as postsecondary institutions
- Schools must report preliminary MCA reports to parents within 30 days of testing and again with validated results before school begins
- Districts must have policy on threat assessment
- Community education advisory councils must make recommendations in writing to the school board regarding allocation of funds
The bill provides flexibility to schools in the following ways:
- School boards, not the Commissioner, approve flexible learning year plans and four-day week calendars
- Some SPED paper work reductions
- Districts may offer credit for demonstrated student competencies
- Districts can provide grants and hiring bonuses for teachers who have completed specific dyslexia training
- CTE teachers, full and part-time, who demonstrate occupational competency are exempt from teacher licensing requirements
- Districts are not required to join a Telecom Cluster to receive Telecom aid from the 1st dollar
- Districts can allocate community education funds to non-school organizations
House Bill Impact
The House Education Finance Committee released revised district runs this week. Learn more about House bill
- HF 2400 including 3% and 2%, ELL to $740, SR plus continued, SPED increases, Concurrent enrollment
- HF 2400 Safe Schools
- HF 2400 SPED FY ‘20
- HF 2400 SPED FY ‘21
- HF 2400 Career and Tech Aid and Levy
- HF 2400 Referendum Equalization
The House district runs take into account changes in adjusted pupils between FY ’20 and ’21. As a result, you cannot simply add the new revenue over base in FY ’20 and FY 21. You must take into account the change in the FY ’21 base, which can be higher or lower than the total projected revenue in FY ‘20.