Quality TeachersTeacher DevelopmentTeacher Shortages

Guide to Overcoming Minnesota’s Teacher Crisis

By March 26, 2016 No Comments

How do we recruit and retain the teachers we need to prepare the World’s Best Workforce? This is an essential question for the next decade in Minnesota and across the nation. MREA released a report on Minnesota’s teacher crisis to provide background and guidance on the issue for policy makers, advocates and educational leaders. Download the guide below.

MREA identifies these four key drivers of the teacher shortage:

  1. Slowing growth and increasing diversity of Minnesota’s workforce
  2. Fewer young people are choosing education as a career
  3. Increased challenges of entering the teaching profession and sustaining a satisfactory and impactful career
  4. Low income potential and growing wage gap compared to other skilled workers

MREA’s guide provides and provides background on each driver, takeaways, and policy implications. MREA applauds the current attention to the issue and encourages lawmakers and advocates to take a step back and examine each proposed short and longer term solution in relation to these four drivers. This will identify the most effective and efficient solutions to pursue.

Minnesota cannot turn a blind eye to the severe teacher shortages and long term teacher supply issues in the state. The achievement of our state’s students and the ability to prepare the World’s Best Workforce is at stake.

Complete the form below to receive an email link to download the guide.